On the nature of oxides on InP surfaces

The chemical composition of surface oxides grown on InP is investigated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Native oxides prepared by various chemical treatments, anodic oxides, and thermal oxides are examined. Core level energies and intensities and valence band spectra are compared with data for standard compounds. In a first step we show that, depending on the preparation procedure, oxides can be classified into three groups which have properties similar to crystalline In(OH)3, InPO4, and In(PO3)3, respectively. The large variations observed in atomic compositions and the shape of valence band spectra suggest that the oxides could be amorphous nonstoichiometric phases. A description based on a mixture of well defined compounds (e.g., In2O3+P2O5 or In2O3+InPO4) seems to be inadequate. Chemical and anodic phosphorus-rich oxides are identified as Inx(PO3)y polyphosphates.