Effects of Partial Graded Venous Obstruction on Electrolyte Clearance by the Dog's Kidney

Increase in renal venous pressure (20-30 cm. of saline above normal) reduced Na clearances significantly by an avg. of about 50% at the highest stage of venous pressure. The reduction in clearance of Na was frequently contributed to by reduction in filtration rate occurring at the 30 cm. of saline pressure. The reduction in Na clearance was accompanied by a proportionate decrease in urine volume and the finding of constant urinary concn. of Na confirmed the isosmotic nature of the increased reabsorption of the tubular urine. K clearances were reduced when the pressure was elevated 30 cm. of saline above controls, but not to the degree that Na clearance was altered. The possible significance of K retention is considered. Possible mechanisms of the above changes are discussed. The appln. of the principles to congestive heart failure is also considered.