Collaborative Literacy Learning During Sociodramatic Play in a Multiage (K-2) Primary Classroom

This study examined the collaborative literacy learning that occurred in a literacy-enriched sociodramatic play center in a multiage classroom (kindergarten through second grade). Fifteen hours of free play were videotaped under the supervision of the classroom teacher and a detailed transcript was made of the action and dialogue that occurred in the play center. Literacy behaviors were identified from the resulting transcript and coded by type and social context. When peer collaboration occurred, categories were identified. The provider, recipient, type of collaboration and outcome were coded. Relationships among the coding variables were then examined. The findings indicate substantial cross-age literacy-based collaboration, with almost half of the interactions involving older children helping younger children. This collaboration was very effective in getting recipients to engage in reading and writing behavior. The results suggest that literacy-enriched play environments combined with mixed-age learners provide a social context that facilitates literacy behaviors and literacy collaboration.