Effectiveness of 1-Dimethylaminoethyl-4-benzylpiperidine (IN379) in Prevention and Regression of Experimental Atherosclerosis in the Rabbit

The compound, 1-dimethylaminoethyl-4-benzylpiperidine (IN379) has been shown to possess antiatherogenic properties based on the results obtained from experimental studies in rabbits. Two methods were employed to induce the experimental atherosclerosis. One was a short-term procedure involving the use of large doses of epinephrine and thyroxine, while the other procedure consisted of feeding the animals a high cholesterol diet over a more prolonged period of time. The effectiveness of the compound both as a prophylactic measure and on the regression of the atherosclerosis has been determined using the two methods. The influence of IN379 was found to be consistently favorable, although its effect was most marked in the prophylactic experiments. The antiatherogenic properties of this compound are not related to influences on blood cholesterol content, in fact, hypercholesterolemia is not depressed by the drug. Attempts are made to correlate the antiatherogenic activity with other findings and pertinent observations are discussed.