Influence of Ration on Morphology, Histology, and Trace Mineral Content of Sheep Rumen Papillae

Sequential changes in sheep rumen epithelial development and micro-mineral content were studied. Of the 15 wethers fed a ground control ration (GC) 4 were killed, 5 were changed to a low energy ration (LE) and 6 were changed to a pelleted ration (RP). The LE and RP sheep were sacrificed at intervals. Ventral rumen papillae from GC sheep showed irregularly shaped papillae, with extremely hyperplastic epithelium and multilayered, vesticulated stratum corneum. The LE sheep revealed rapid loss in number, color, size and iron content of papillae resulting in the denuding of large rumen areas. Keratinization and hyperplasia were reduced 50% from GC by 8 and 32 days, respectively. RP sheep papillae showed typical parakeratosis by 35 days; papillae cellular hyperplasia was reduced by half in 35 days and keratinization increased 50% In 24 days. An epithelial Cu to Mo ratio of 11 was found. Epithelial trace minerals (copper, iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt and molybdenum) varied with the rumen area and ration.