Metastability of the Martensitic Transformation in a 12 mol% Ceria‐Zirconia Alloy: I, Deformation and Fracture Observations

A single‐phase tetragonal zirconia polycrystal containing 12 mol% cerium dioxide was found to readily undergo the tetragonal‐to‐monoclinic phase transformation on deformation, fracture, or cooling below 150 K. Deformation tests, primarily indentation studies, indicated that an extensive transformation zone developed about the impression. The transformation zone increased in dimension as the temperature approached the martensitic start temperature for the tetragonal‐to‐monoclinic transformation. Associated with flexure tests at room temperature “Luders”‐like transformation bands propagated entirely across the tensile surface perpendicular to the applied stress. Transmission electron microscopy and X‐ray diffraction were used to monitor the extent and form of the transformation. The reverse transformation was also examined using X‐ray diffraction while heating and compared with in situ transmission electron microscopy observations.