The structure of the mature embryo sacs of ig/ig plants differs from that found in normal (Ig/Ig) plants in several respects: normal plants have 1 micropylar cell (egg) whereas 0-5 structurally similar cells occur in ig embryo sacs. The central cell of ig embryo sacs sometimes is accompanied by 1 or 2 smaller central cells, which may be dinucleate also, but more commonly are uninucleate; Ig/Ig plants invariably produce embryo sacs with only 1 central cell. The primary central cell of ig embryo sacs may have from 1-6 polar nuclei; normal sacs uniformly have 2 polar nuclei. Some polar nuclei of ig are scattered about the cell, whereas some are situated at the standard position near the apex of the egg opposite the micropyle. During double fertilization, only portions of micropylar and polar nuclei are functional. The unfertilized micropylar nuclei averaged 0.88/ovule and unfertilized polar nuclei 0.75/ovule. The latter include polar nuclei of extra central cells and those of primary central cell situated in regions other than the standard position.