During my work on the life-history of the Chalcid,Euchalcidia caryobori, Hanna (Hanna 1933), which parasitises the pupae and the late larval stages of the Bruchid,Caryoborus pallidus, Oliv., infesting senna pods, great difficulty was experienced in obtaining the material. Infested senna pods arrive in London from the Sudan between June and August. Any pods arriving after or before that are not usually infested to any considerable extent. To guard against this lack of material, a large supply of parasitised and unparasitised pupae of the Bruchid was obtained when available by sifting the senna pods and keeping them in large glass jars at a constant temperature of 27°C. The Chalcid soon emerges and deposits its eggs through the cocoon on the unparasitised pupae of the Bruchid and feeds on peeled sultanas placed on a cardboard tray on top of the material and moistened every day. The sultanas were changed every three days to avoid fermentation.