Molecular cloning of partial cDNA copies of two distinct mouse IFN-β mRNAs

Two cDNA libraries were constructed, using respectively the 12S and the 16S sucrose gradient fractions of polysomal poly (A)+ RNA from mouse C243 cells induced with Newcastle disease virus. Screening of a part of both libraries by mRNA selection hybridization assays revealed the presence of two plasmids hybridizing to an mRNA, whose translation product was characterized as mouse IFN-β. Blot analysis of RNA indicated that mRNA hybridizing to the DNA from both plasmids could be detected in induced but not in uninduced C243 cells. The two cDNA inserts did not cross hybridize and had distinct restriction maps. Sequencing revealed that both inserts reoresented the end of the coding region and the entire 3' non coding region of two distinct mRNAs. Although different, the putative 39 AA and 65 AA carboxy termini of both Mu IFN-βs display some homology to human IFN-β1. Thus there are at least two different murine IFN-β genes.