Adherence-Related Behavior in Adolescents with Asthma: Results from Focus Group Interviews

Focus group interviews were conducted with 14 adolescents with asthma to explore self-management behavior, in particular with regard to adherence behavior. In addition, the adolescents discussed their feelings about having asthma, gave insight into how they evaluate the provided health care, and made recommendations for healthcare providers and for the development of patient education materials. The majority of participants did not take their prophylactic asthma medication regularly, and were rather late in starting to use their bronchodilator. They were sometimes fed up with having asthma. Moreover, the majority of participants were not always frank in telling their pediatrician how they managed their asthma. Finally, they found it essential that information about asthma should be given personally and not by means of leaflets, and recommended that healthcare providers should use audio-visual aids to illustrate what they are explaining. The results of the focus group interviews have been used for the development of an intervention program which aims at enhancing adherence in adolescents with asthma.