Seminal Analysis after Orchiectomy in Stage I Teratoma

Summary— Seminal analysis was performed within 2 months of orchiectomy on 97 patients with clinical Stage I malignant testicular teratoma managed by surveillance following orchiectomy. Relapse of malignant disease occurred in 28% of 47 patients with a sperm count < 10 × 106/ml and in 32% of 50 patients with a sperm count ≤ 10 × 106/ml. Of 11 patients with azoospermia, 4 relapsed and 1 developed contralateral testicular germ cell tumour. Of 35 patients with malignant teratoma undifferentiated the relapse rate was 68% in 16 patients with a sperm count < 10 × 106/ml and 42% in 19 patients with a sperm count ≤ 10 × 106/ml. It was concluded that sperm count analysis is non‐contributory in estimating the risk of relapse in clinical Stage I teratoma.