Fatty Acid Acylated Proteins of the Halotolerant Alga Dunaliella salina

The unicellular, wall-less alga Dunaliella salina has been shown to contain an array fo proteins modified by the covalent attachment of fatty acids. Myristic acid (14:0) comprised approximately 80% by weight of the protein-linked acyl groups in samples derived from cells cultured in medium containing 1.7 molar NaCl and 93% in samples from cells grown in medium containing 3.0 molar NaCl. Palmitic and stearic acids accounted for most of the remaining protein-bound acyl chains. Approximately 0.2% of the incorporated radioactivity was estimated to be in linkage with protein. The bulk of acyl chains (about 99%) were resistant to cleavage by alkali, indicating a preponderance of amide bonding. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis labeling pattern of proteins from cells exposed to [3H]palmitate. The appearance of radioactivity in certain proteins was also influenced by the salinity of the culture medium. Thus growth in moderate (1.7 molar) salt favored the acylation of a 48-kilodalton polypeptide whereas in high (3.0 molar) salt, a 17-kilodalton polypeptide was more heavily labeled.