Anti‐Rh39—A “New” Specificity Rh System Antibody

Two examples of an autoantibody that defines a hitherto unrecognized Rh system antigen are described. Both were produced by C‐negative individuals and ostensibly resembled anti‐C in specificity. However, adsorption studies showed that the antigen that the autoantibodies define is present on all red blood cells with a “normal” Rh phenotype and on D—/D— and Dc‐/Dc‐ samples. The antigen detected is not present on Rhnull red blood cells. Serologic studies have shown that the new antibody, that has been named anti‐Rh39, has a different specificity from those that define the antigens C, Ce(rh1), G, Hro, Hr, CG, LW, Rh:29, Rh:34 and U. A possible relationship between auto‐anti‐Rh39 and alio‐anti‐C, in terms of the immune response, is discussed.