Examination of autolysed control mouse small intestine using scanning electron microscopy has revealed details of the connective tissue components of the mucosa. The cores of the villi are seen collapsed across the intervillous basin. Crypts of Lieberkuhn are seen as tubular channels stretching down from the intervillous basin. Sometimes the crypts are split in two by a connective tissue septum. The mouths of the crypts of Lieberkuhn are, in general, arranged in double rows between the single rows of villi. The ratio of number of crypts to numbers of villi was calculated as 5.01:1. This is close to the figure of 4.53:1, as quoted by Smith & Jarvis (1980) who used differential interference contrast microscopy to investigate the crypt to villus ratio. After radiation, the severe drop in the number of crypt mouths can be clearly seen by the combination of autolysis and scanning electron microscopy: the rows of crypt mouths between the villi have been lost, and many crypt mouths have been occluded by stromal tissue. The arrangement of the crypt mouths and the observation of mucosal abnormalities after irradiation have led to the postulation that cells leaving the crypt mouths move in a spiral manner towards and then up the villous surface: this postulated movement might imply an asymmetry in some properties of enterocytes. The use of scanning electron microscopy in conjugation with autolysis and irradiation has thus forced a critical re-examination of the relationships between crypts and villi.