The sinus gland of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, is a compact assembly of interdigitating neurosecretory axon endings abutting upon the thin basal lamina of a central hemolymph lacuna. Four types of axon endings are distinguishable by the size distribution, shape, electron density and core structure of their neurosecretory granules. One additional type of axon ending is characterized by electron-lucent vacuoles and vesicles. The axon profiles are surrounded by astrocyte-like glial cells. Various fixations followed by epoxy- or Lowicrylembedding were compared in order to optimize the preservation of the fine structure of the granule types and the antigenicity of their peptide hormone contents. By use of specific rabbit antisera, the crustacean hyperglycemic, molt-inhibiting, pigment-dispersing, and red-pigment-concentrating hormones were assigned to the four distinct granule types which showed no overlap of immunostaining. Epi-polarization microscopy and ultrathin section analysis of immunogold-stained Lowicrylembedded specimens revealed that immunoreactivity to Leu-enkephalin and proctolin is co-localized with moltinhibiting hormone immunoreactivity in the same type of granule. The size and core structure of the immunocytochemically identified granule types vary little with the different pretreatments but, in some cases, to a statistically significant extent. The present results are compared with those from earlier studies of sinus glands in different crustaceans. The methods of granule identification used in this study supplement the classical approach in granule typing; they are easier to perform and more reliable for the analysis of release phenomena in identified secretory neurons supplying the neurohemal sinus gland.