A study onGracilaria dendroidessp. nov. (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from the Bay of Naples

Gracilaria dendroides sp. nov. is described from the Bay of Naples, Italy, where it thrives on the rocks in the upper littoral. The species has a typical branching pattern resulting in the dendroid habit of the plant. G. dendroides is also characterized by lanceolate branchlets which become longer and taper in the distal part of the branches. Tetrasporangia, spermatangial conceptacles and cystocarps are localized in the lanceolate branchlets. The cortex in which tetrasporangia are deeply immersed is modified, the cells being less vacuolized and with a thick cell wall. The spermatangial conceptacles are as in G. verrucosa. The gonimoblastic tissue is lobate with connective filaments to the pericarp. The morphological and structural features are considered stable thus supporting the description of a new species.