Magnetic properties of P-type GaMnP grown by molecular-beam epitaxy

Growth by molecular-beam epitaxy of the dilute magnetic alloy GaMnP:C is reported. The GaMnP:C contains 9.4% Mn as determined by Auger electron spectroscopy, and is single phase as determined by x-ray diffraction, reflection high-energy electron diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. Both magnetization and magnetotransport data are reported. The results show the anomalous Hall effect, negative magnetoresistance, and magnetic hysteresis at 10 K, indicating that Mn is incorporating into the GaP:C and forming the ferromagnetic semiconductor GaMnP:C. Temperature-dependent magnetization and anomalous Hall data show that magnetic behavior persists to at least 200 K, which is a very high value for a III–V based dilute magnetic semiconductor.