Numerical prediction of collapse loads using finite element methods

In this paper, the ability of a displacement‐type finite element analysis to predict collapse loads accurately is investigated. For the usual assumptions of ideal plasticity and infinitesimal deformations, attention is focused on undrained geotechnical problems. The theoretical criterion originally developed by Nagtegaal et al.1 is applied to each member of the serendipidity quadrilateral and triangular family of elements, up to and including those with a quartic displacement expansion. This method of assessing the suitability of a particular type of element is shown to be valid for any constitutive law which attempts to enforce the constant volume condition at failure, such as critical state type soil models. The method is also generalized to permit an assessment, a priori, of the suitability of any given mesh which is composed of a finite number of elements of the same type. It is postulated that the 15‐noded, cubic strain triangle is theoretically capable of accurate computations in the fully plastic range for undrained geotechnical situations which involve axial symmetry or plane strain. This prediction is verified by a series of numerical experiments on footing problems. Extending the work of Nagtegaal et al., 1 it is established theretically that if lower order finite elements are employed rigorously for non‐trivial undrained problems with axial symmetry, then it is impossible to predict the exact limit load accurately, regardless of how refined the mesh may be.

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