Radiotherapy of Mycosis Fungoides: Twenty Years of Experience with Teleroentgen and Low‐Voltage X‐Ray Therapy

Of 98 patients with mycosis fungoides, 55 have been treated with teleroentgen therapy and 43 with low voltage radiation at a shorter distance. Teleroentgen therapy is indicated in the stage of generalized eczematous lesions or superficial infiltration. According to the Hamburg method, a dose of 300 R was delivered to eight fields at a target distance of 120 cm. After a series of one to three treatments, 300 R, administered at three-week intervals, all lesions usually cleared. Small patches and deeply infiltrated lesions and tumors were treated with the same doses and intervals of low voltage X rays, the half-value depth corresponding to the depth of infiltration. After five years, 54% of all patients were still alive and after 10 years, 29% were still living.