The Awesome Asthma School Days Program: Educating Children, Inspiring a Community

Program planners developed an educational program to improve the health of children with asthma in grades three to five in Milwaukee (Wis.) Public Schools. During 1997–1998, 1,400 students from 74 elementary schools participated in the Awesome Asthma School Days education program. In a cross‐sectional survey, about 40% of children reported play interrupted and sleep disturbed by asthma, more than 50% of children reported exposure to smoke in their home, most children lacked asthma self‐care tools, and most children with persistent symptoms did not use an anti‐inflammatory inhaler. The educational program improved students' expectations about normal play and sleep and improved their understanding of asthma. Leaders in Milwaukee used the survey results to develop a community action plan. The educational program, surveys, community partnerships, and strategic plans can be replicated in other schools.

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