The method of point transformations enables us to generate an unknown wave function Ψρ ({rk}) from a given electron density ρ(r) based on a reference wave function Ψ0 ({rk}) initially chosen for the system. The generated wave function Ψρ ({rk}) can be used to evaluate the energy Eρ associated with the given density ρ(r). This procedure constitutes a rigorous density-functional theory, if the density ρ(r) and reference function Ψ0 ({rk}) are varied. Within the Hartree-Fock framework numerical applications are presented for the ground-state helium atom and its analogs both in position and momentum spaces. Simple position and momentum densities are reported that well reproduce the Hartree-Fock limit energy. A few calculations beyond the Hartree-Fock approximation are also given.

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