Peripheral Vestibular Disease Associated with Cryptococcosis in Three Cats

Peripheral vestibular disease referable to otitis media/interna was the main reason for presentation in three cats with cryptococcosis. In two cats, Cryptococcus neoformans var neoformans was isolated from the tympanic bulla. In the remaining cat, otitis media/interna was considered to be secondary to occlusion of the auditory tube by a nasopharyngeal granuloma associated with a C neoformans var gattii infection. This report emphasises the importance of maintaining an index of suspicion for a fungal aetiology in cats with signs of otitis media/interna, particularly in countries with a high prevalence of cryptococcosis. The presence of C neoformans may be overlooked with potentially fatal consequences where only standard methods for bacterial isolation are used to examine samples obtained from the middle ear.