Microarray Analysis of Diurnal and Circadian-Regulated Genes in Arabidopsis

Plants respond to day/night cycling in a number of physiological ways. At the mRNA level, the expression of some genes changes during the 24-hr period. To identify novel genes regulated in this way, we used microarrays containing 11,521 Arabidopsis expressed sequence tags, representing an estimated 7800 unique genes, to determine gene expression levels at 6-hr intervals throughout the day. Eleven percent of the genes, encompassing genes expressed at both high and low levels, showed a diurnal expression pattern. Approximately 2% cycled with a circadian rhythm. By clustering microarray data from 47 additional nonrelated experiments, we identified groups of genes regulated only by the circadian clock. These groups contained the already characterized clock-associated genes LHY, CCA1, and GI, suggesting that other key circadian clock genes might be found within these clusters.