Testicular Function after Radiotherapy to Inverted ‘Y’ Field for Malignant Lymphoma

Testicular function was estimated by sperm counts, hormone assays and recording of reported conceptions in 9 patients irradiated for malignant lymphoma. The treatment had been an inverted 'Y' field including the inguinal regions with, in addition, a mantle field in 8 patients. Azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia was found in all but 1 patient, and the FSH levels were uniformly elevated. Testosterone and LH were within normal limits except in 2 patients with slightly subnormal testosterone levels. 7 of the patients were married to women of fertile age, and in 3 cases the wife became pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. The time lapses from irradiation to conception were 18, 40 and 57 months. 2 of these patients had severe oligozoospermia on examination 2 and 4 months respectively from conception. Thus fertility may possibly be underestimated by sperm counting and hormone assays after this type of radiotherapy.