Ras Oncogene Mutations in Thyroid Tumors

Ras mutations have been found in thyroid lesions. Different studies have shown different frequencies of mutations among benign and malignant lesions. The presence of point mutations in codons 12 and 13 of the c-K-ras, c-H-ras, and N-ras genes was studied in 58 thyroid lesions (10 nodular goiters, 10 follicular adenomas, and 15 papillary, 10 follicular, and 13 anaplastic carcinomas). DNA was extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue, and target sequences were amplified in vitro by the polymerase chain reaction. Mutations were detected by the presence of restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms either occurring naturally or introduced artificially by the use of mutant primers. No characterization of the mutations was performed. Results were correlated with clini-copathologic features and patient follow-up. One goiter showed a mutation at codon 13, c-K-ras. All follicular adenomas, including three hyalinizing trabecular adenomas, were negative. Four papillary carcinomas presented mutations (one at codon 13, c-K-ras; three at codon 12, N-ras). Two follicular carcinomas showed mutations at codon 12, N-ras. Five anaplastic carcinomas showed mutations (two at codon 12 and two at codon 13, c-K-ras; one at codon 12, N-ras). In summary, the results confirm that ras oncogenes play a role in thyroid tumorigenesis, probably at an early step. Ras mutations appear not to be related to prognosis. (C) Lippincott-Raven Publishers.