Electric Quadrupole Effects in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the Case of Large Nuclear Spin. The Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Spectrum of Solid Indium

The nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectrum of In115 in polycrystalline indium (powder) reveals a number of unusual features stemming from the combination of large quadrupole interaction and large nuclear spin (I=92). The crossing of several Zeeman transitions, the occurrence of non-90° satellite lines, and the occurrence of forbidden transitions (Δm=±2) have been verified experimentally, and the experimental results have been compared with a detailed theoretical calculation of the spectrum based on exact numerical diagonalization of the secular determinant. At room temperature, the isotropic and anisotropic Knight-shift tensor components have the values Kiso=+(0.82±0.04)% and Kax=(0.14±0.04)%.