A 10 year old white boy was accidentally burned early on a Saturday evening when kerosene was thrown on a fire. He sustained first and second degree burns of the face; anterior part of the neck, chest and abdomen as far as the umbilicus; arms, and a 12 by 9 cm. area on the right thigh, or approximately 25 to 30 per cent of the body surface. The results of the rest of the physical examination were essentially negative. He was taken immediately to the hospital emergency room and given 500 cc. of plasma and morphine sulfate, 1/6 grain (11 mg.). The burned areas were clean, so that superficial debridement was carried out after he had responded from the initial shock. A pressure dressing was applied, which was saturated with foille® (a preparation containing phenol, Carbisulphoil Company),1and he was admitted to the hospital at 10 p. m. Saturday

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