The Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pC221, a 4.6-kilobase multicopy chloramphenicol resistance plasmid that forms plasmid-protein relaxation complexes, was mobilized for transfer by the conjugative plasmid pGO1. Two open reading frames on the pC221 genome, now designated mobA and mobB, as well as a cis-acting locus, the putative oriT, were shown to be in involved in pC221 mobilization. The mobA (but not mobB) and oriT loci were required for pC221 relaxation, and relaxation was necessary but not sufficient for pC221 mobilization by pGO1. oriT was cloned onto a pE194 derivative and complemented in trans for both relaxation and mobilization. Mobilization of relaxable plasmids in S. aureus appears to be analogous to mobilization by donation observed in gram-negative bacteria.