Molecular-Beam Maser for the Shorter-Millimeter-Wave Region: Spectral Constants of HCN and DCN

A millimeter-wave molecular-beam maser has been made to operate as both an amplifier and an oscillator on the J=10 and the J=21 transitions of HCN at 88.6 and at 177.2 kMc/sec, respectively, thus doubling the previously operational frequency range of such masers. With this maser, hyperfine components of these transitions have been measured for H12 C14N and D12 C14N to nine significant figures. The spectral constants (in kc/sec) that are derived from these frequencies are, for HCN, B0=44315975.7±0.4, DJ=87.24±0.06, (eQq)N=4709.1±1.3, and CN=10.4±0.3; for D12 C14N, B0=36207462.7±0.2, DJ=57.83±0.04, (eQq)N=4703.0±1.2, CN=8.4±0.3, (eQq)D=194.4±2.2, and CD=0.6±0.3.