Java consistency

The Java Language Specification (JLS) [Gosling et al. 1996] provides an operational definition for the consistency of shared variables. The definition remains unchanged in the JLS 2nd edition, currently under peer review, which relies on a specific abstract machine as its underlying model, is very complicated. Several subsequent works have tried to simplify and formalize it. However, these revised definitions are also operational, and thus have failed to highlight the intuition behind the original specification. In this work we provide a complete nonoperational specification for Java and for the JVM, excluding synchronized operations. We provide a simpler definition, in which we clearly distinguish the consistency model that is promised to the programmer from that which should be implemented in the JVM. This distinction, which was implicit in the original definition, is crucial for building the JVM. We find that the programmer model is strictly weaker than that of the JVM, and precisely define their discrepancy. Moreover, our definition is independent of any specific (or even abstract) machine, and can thus be used to verify JVM implementations and compiler optimizations on any platform. Finally, we show the precise range of consistency relaxations obtainable for the Java memory model when a certain compiler optimization— called prescient stores in JLS—is applicable.