A Comparison of Strawberry Plant Development and Yield Under Organic and Conventional Management on the Central California Coast

Conventional strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch. cv. Chandler) production was compared with production undergoing conversion to certified organic management in a three-year, replicated, on- farm study. Plant vegetative development, measured as leaf number, leaf area, and vegetative biomass, decreased in the organic production system compared to the conventional system. Developmental differences were less significant in the third year of the study. Reproductive development, measured as number of flower buds, open flowers, and immature fruit, as well as total reproductive biomass, was also lower in the organic system. The timing and degree of difference in responses studied varied over the course of the study. The percent of total berries produced which were not marketable was larger in the conventional system in the second and third years of the study. Marketable fruit yield was consistently lower in the organic plots, but the margin of difference decreased over the course of the study from 39% to 28%. However, market conditions resulted in greater returns per hectare in the organic production system.