Nuclear DNA Content in Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Small Cell Carcinoma, and Bronchiolo-Alveolar Carcinoma of the Lung

Nuclear DNA content in individual, morphologically identified tumor cells from 33 squamous lung carcinomas, 20 small cell lung carcinomas, and 10 bronchiolo-alveolar carcinomas were analyzed by means of cytophotometry on Feulgen-stained histologic and cytologic specimens. Twenty-eight of the squamous cell carcinomas and 17 of the small cell carcinomas had high and scattered DNA values, indicative of high malignancy potentials. None of the bronchiolo-alveolar carcinomas showed such high DNA values. These results are in line with clinical experience that squamous cell and small cell carcinoma are associated with rapid progression and death in patients, whereas bronchiolo-alveolar carcinomas have a more indolent course.