Head injuries due to falls caused by seizures: a group at high risk for traumatic intracranial hematomas

✓ This prospective review of adult patients with head injuries examines the incidence of head injuries due to falls caused by seizures, the incidence and severity of intracranial hematomas, and the morbidity and mortality rates in this patient population. A head injury was attributed to a fall caused by a seizure if the seizure was witnessed to have caused the fall, or the patient had a known seizure history, appeared postictal or was found convulsing after the fall, and no other cause for the fall was evident. A total of 1760 adult head-injured patients were consecutively admitted to the authors' service between 1986 and 1993. Five hundred eighty-two head injuries (33.1%) were due to falls and 22 (3.8%) of these were caused by seizures. Based on the prevalence rates for epilepsy in the general population of 0.5 to 2%, these results indicate that epileptics are several times more likely to suffer a head injury due to a fall. Mass lesions were found in 20 (90.9%) of these 22 patients and the remaining two ...