Summary: The epidermis of Diplectanum aequans has, in general, been found to be similar to the epidermis of other monogeneans, consisting of a syncytial outer epidermis and sunken sub-epidermal nucleated regions. However, the epidermis of D. aequans differs from that of other monogeneans in 3 respects. These are, the presence of large areas of granular cytoplasm within the outer epidermis, the presence of myofibres invaginating into the epidermal matrix and, in the posterior regions of the epidermis, the presence of epidermal scales. These scales occur within the epidermal cytoplasm, beneath the outer membrane, and are composed of moderately electron-dense material. Also present beneath the outer membrane in the more anterior regions of the epidermis are small scale-like sclerites of a similar electron density to the epidermal scales.

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