Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: experimental evaluation of the accuracy of scintigraphically guided pulmonary arteriography.

Technically refined angiograms and scintigrams were extremely sensitive in demonstrating experimental canine thromboemboli, immediately after embolization and during the entire course of embolic lysis. Technical refinements included subselective, scintigraphically guided, magnification arteriography and 8-view perfusion scintigraphy. During thromboembolic lysis, excellent angiographic-scintigraphic correlation persisted. For every postembolic perfusion defect, the embolic basis was demonstrated angiographically. Disparities between angiographic and scintigraphic evidence of embolism are not due to lysis. Studies using nonresorbable Ivalon emboli indicated that localized spasm may play an important role in the perfusion defects developing within a 0.5 h after embolization; this spasm subsides considerably within 24 h.