Epidemiology of bladder cancer in Alexandria, Egypt: Tobacco smoking

The relationship between smoking and bladder cancer risk was investigated using data from a case‐control study conducted between January 1994 and July 1996 in Alexandria, Egypt. Cases were 151 males with incident, histologically confirmed invasive cancer of the bladder, and controls were 157 males admitted to hospital for acute, non‐neoplastic, non‐urinary tract, non‐smoking‐related conditions. With reference to never smokers, ex‐smokers had a multivariate odds ratio (OR) of 4.4 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.7–11.7] and current smokers of 6.6 (95% CI 3.1–13.9). The ORs were 5.4 for 40 years), and inversely related to age at starting (OR of 8.8 for starting Int. J. Cancer 73:64–67, 1997.