Ethanol metabolism in postmenopausal women fed a diet marginal in zinc

Five postmenopausal women aged 50–63 y were fed a diet of mixed Western foods that supplied an average of 2.6 mg zinc/d for 6 mo. Plasma zinc did not change significantly during Zn depletion but increased slightly when Zn was fed. Zn content of blood cellular components and activities of Zn-containing enzymes were not affected by Zn intake. Ethanol tolerance tests performed at the end of control, middle of depletion, end of depletion, and end of repletion showed a change in ethanol metabolism at the end of the low-Zn intake period that was corrected within 1 mo with Zn supplementation. These data suggest that there are homeostatic mechanisms that maintain circulating levels of Zn. Zn and activity of Zn enzymes in tissues may be decreased before changes in circulating Zn levels are seen. Functional indices of Zn biochemistry, such as ethanol metabolism, may be more sensitive indicators of Zn stores and nutriture than circulating Zn.

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