Lack of central sprouting of primary afferent fibers after ricin deafferentation

A new deafferentation technique, the application of ricin to peripheral nerves, was used to test for collateral sprouting of undamaged primary afferent fibers within the adult mammalian spinal cord dorsal horn. The right sciatic nerves in rats were injected with ricin 14 to 57 days prior to bilateral labelling of dorsal rootlets with horseradish peroxidase. To equate the number of surviving dorsal root fibers on the two sides, the left sciatic nerves were injected 5 days prior to labelling. In each animal, horseradish peroxidase was applied to a bilateral pair of lumbar or low thoracic dorsal rootlets 18 hours prior to sacrifice to test for sprouting by labelling primary afferent fibers and terminals in the right (experimental) and left (control) dorsal horns. Although there is overlap of degenerated and intact primary afferent fields in this preparation, a postulated precondition for sprouting (Murray and Goldberger: J. Neurosci. 6: 3205-3217, '86), we found no evidence for sprouting of undamaged, myelinated afferent fibers in the experimental dorsal horns. The pattern of labelling was symmetrical in all animals, and the density of labelling was not consistently greater on the experimental side. These results support the conclusions of Rodin et al. (J. Comp. Neurol. 215: 187-198, '83) and Rodin and Kruger (Somatosens. Res. 2: 171-192, '84), who also found no sprouting in the rat's dorsal horn after surgical deafferentation, and do not support the assertion that the difference between the results of those studies and earlier studies in cats was due to a lack of overlap of degenerated and intact dorsal roots in the rat.