HIV-1-Related and Nonrelated Diseases among IV Drug Users and Sexual Partners

As part of a project to reduce risk of HIV-1 infection/transmission among IV drug users (IVDUs) and sexual partners (SPs) of IVDUs, individuals not currently in drug treatment were recruited, tested for HIV-1, and interviewed about risk factors for AIDS and history of various health conditions. Of the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), gonorrhea, syphilis and genital sores were common. Of non-STDs, pneumonia, and hepatitis were reported most often. Among IVDUs, most STDs were more common in seropositives and subjects with multiple sexual partners. Among SPs, serostatus was related to gonorrhea and syphilis. IVDUs had more endocarditis and hepatitis than SPs, and overall, more STDs. These data suggest that IV drug-using and sexual behaviors need targeted interventions to reduce the prevalence of associated diseases.