Stigmatic pollen loads were analyzed from naturally pollinated pin and thrum form flowers of Amsinckia douglasiana and A. vernicosa var. furcata. Pin stigmas captured more total pollen than thrum stigmas. Pins experienced either net self-pollination or random pollination. Thrum stigmas experienced significant disassortative pollination. Comparing pollen loads from intact and emasculated thrum flowers of A. douglasiana indicated that self-pollination and geitonogamy were relatively unimportant in the pollination of the thrum form. The level of disassortative pollination of A. vernicosa var. furcata does not appear to be high enough to account for the level of disassortative mating observed by progeny testing, suggesting that this species may possess an incomplete stylar self-incompatibility system such as has been reported in A. grandiflora.