Some functional characteristics of the oesophageal vestibule in infants and children

The esophageal vestibule lies immediately above the stomach and during quiet respiration is located partly in the thorax, partly in the hiatus in the diaphragm, and partly in the abdomen. An analysis of some aspects of function of the vestibule in infants and children who have a noncontractile gullet above the vestibule is presented. Opening of the vestibule is related to deglutition and is independent of the esophagus above. In its opening and closing the vestibule is shown to have the characteristics of a ''muscle throttle''. The rapidity of the event of either opening or closing is accounted for. The important relationship of caliber of lumen of the vestibule to flow through it is analysed. The effect of the indentations of mucosa into the lumen when the vestibule is partially open is analysed from a theoretical standpoint, and it is inferred that the vestibule when only partially open has the characteristics of a highly efficient choke.