Since carbachol and mecholyl are drugs which stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, the effects of these drugs on the urinary bladder was determined by means of cystometrograms. Carbachol and mecholyl were used in 3 patients with normal bladders and in 5 patients in which various types of neuro-genic bladders were demonstrated. Serial cystometrograms were made at 30, 60 and 90 min. following the parenteral admn. of the drug. The max. effect of these parasympathetic stimulants was always most marked in the cystometrograms taken 30 min. following the drug admn., and had disappeared almost completely 90 min. after the medication was given. Carbachol and mecholyl reduced the bladder capacity, increased the intravesical pressure and had little effect on bladder sensation. Uninhibited contractions, when present, occurred with less filling and were more frequent after the admn. of the drug. No adverse systemic effects were noted in any patient.