Adjuvant Cytotoxic Chemotherapy Following Wertheim Radical Hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer

Patients at high risk of recurrence or metastases following radical surgery for Stage 1B and 2A cervical carcinoma include those with pelvic node metastases, lymphatic or vascular space permeation in the cervix by tumour cells, large size of the primary tumour, involvement of the full thickness of the cervix and parametrial spread. We report the initial results of adjuvant chemotherapy using a combination of cisplatinum, bleomycin and vinblastine in 22 patients who had undergone Wertheim radical hysterectomy and were thought to be at high risk of developing recurrence. The mean duration of follow-up was 23 months. All are alive after follow-up ranging from 13 to 43 months. Three patients developed recurrences--one in the pelvis, another at the posterior aspect of the urethral meatus and the third developed pulmonary secondaries at 20 to 23 months after surgery. Toxicity from the chemotherapy was acceptable.