The tumor suppressor gene, lethal(2)giant larvae (l(2)gl), is required for cell shape change of epithelial cells during Drosophila development

Inactivation of the lethal(2)giant larvae (l(2)gl) gene results in malignant transformation of imaginal disc cells and neuroblasts of the larval brain in Drosophila. Subcellular localization of the l(2)gl gene product, P127, and its biochemical characterization have indicated that it participates in the formation of the cytoskeletal network. In this paper, genetic and phenotypic analyses of a temperature-sensitive mutation (l(2)glts3) that behaves as a hypomorphic allele at restrictive temperature are presented. In experimentally overaged larvae obtained by using mutants in the production of ecdysone, the l(2)glts3 mutation displays a tumorous potential. This temperature-sensitive allele of the l(2)gl gene has been used to describe the primary function of the gene before tumor progression. A reduced contribution of both maternal and zygotic activities in l(2)glts3 homozygous mutant embryos blocks embryogenesis at the end of germ-band retraction. The mutant embryos are consequently affected in dorsal closure and head involution and show a hypertrophy of the midgut. These phenotypes are accompanied by an arrest of the cell shape changes normally occurring in lateral epidermis and in epithelial midgut cells. l(2)gl activity is also necessary for larval fife and the critical period falls within the third instar larval stage. Finally, l(2)gl activity is required during oogenesis and mutations in the gene disorganize egg chambers and cause abnormalities in the shape of follicle cells, which are eventually internalized within the egg chamber. These results together with the tumoral phenotype of epithelial imaginal disc cells strongly suggest that the l(2)gl product is required in vivo in different types of epithelial cells to control their shape during development.