'I'he changes in certain fiber properties after treatments designed to improve the wrinkle recovery of wool fabrics (Part I) have been studied. It has been demonstrated that by obtaining a wrinkle height distribution curve in a sorp tion process according to TEFO'S conic wrinkling method, changes in fiber properties important from the point of view of wrinkling can be easily predicted. The changes in initial slope and shape of such a curve would reflect the changes in mechanical stiffening and structural sensitivity to moisture change, respectively, of wool fibers. The effect of treat ments such as annealing (heating wool at 45°C and 80% RH), crosslinking with Fixapret CPN, and polymer treatment with Synthappret LKF on the wrinkle height distribution curve, stress-strain behavior, and moisture absorption of wool fibers have been investigated. Very marked increase in mechanical stiffening of wool fibers due to annealing has been demonstrated.