Polarization dependent cavity ring down spectroscopy

We here theoretically outline and experimentally demonstrate that polarization spectroscopy can be combined with cavity ring down (CRD) spectroscopy, thereby retaining the specific advantages of both techniques. The b1Σg+(v=2)←X3Σg(v′′=0) transition of molecular oxygen around 628 nm is used to demonstrate the possibility to selectively measure either the polarization-dependent absorption or the resonant magneto-optical rotation of gas-phase molecules in the appropriate setup. Just as in CRD absorption spectroscopy, where the rate of absorption is measured, in the here presented polarization-dependent CRD (PDCRD) detection scheme the rate of polarization rotation is measured, which enables the polarization rotation to be quantitatively determined. Apart from studying electro-optic and magneto-optic phenomena on gas-phase species, the PDCRD detection scheme is demonstrated to be applicable to the study of magneto-optical rotation in transparent solid samples as well.