MBE-grown HgCdTe heterojunction structures for IR FPAs

HgCdTe MBE technology offers many advantages for the growth of multi-layer heterojunction structures for high performance IRFPAs. This paper reports data on major advances towards the fabrication of advanced detector structures, which have been made in MBE technology at Hughes Research Laboratories during the last couple of years. Currently device quality materials with desired structural and electrical characteristics are grown with the alloy compositions required for short-wavelength infrared (SWIR, 1 - 3 micron) to very long- wavelength infrared (VLWIR, 14 - 18 micron) detector applications. In-situ In (n-type) and As (p-type) doping developed at HRL have facilitated the growth of advanced multi-layer heterojunction devices. Thus, high performance IR focal plane arrays (128 X 128) with state-of-the-art performance have been fabricated with MBE-grown double-layer heterojunction structures for MWIR and LWIR detector applications. In addition, the growth of n-p-p-n multi-layer heterojunction structures has been developed and two-color detectors have been demonstrated. Recently, significant preliminary results on the heteroepitaxy growth of HgCdTe double-layer heterojunction structures on silicon have been achieved.

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