From recent laboratory studies it is apparent that streptomycin exerts a strong bacteriostatic and bactericidal action on Pasteurella tularensis (commonly known as Bacterium tularense) in vivo1 as well as in vitro.2 One report3 has appeared suggesting that this antibiotic is effective against tularemia in human beings. The 7 cases reported here resulted from a laboratory acquired infection with Past. tularensis. The Schu strain4 was the one in widest use in the laboratory and was maintained at maximum virulence by frequent passage through mice and rabbits. Four patients (group I) were treated with streptomycin in the early stage of illness, and 3 (group II) were treated late in convalescence. All received the Foshay tularemia vaccine5 at some time prior to their illness, which may have been modified thereby. These cases are to be included in another report6 dealing with vaccine prophylaxis for tularemia. CLINICAL MATERIAL