Effects of Days Open on Annualized Milk Yields in Current and Following Lactations

Length of open period affected annualized yield [(total lactation yield/calving interval) 365]. Yield was maximum with more days open for low, as opposed to high, peak production and for primiparous, as opposed to multiparous, cows. Interactions with days open were not found for mean herd production or cow production relative to the herd mean. Number of days open for maximum yield was similar for milk, fat and economically fat-corrected milk [0.67 kg milk+ 10 kg fat]. Correction factors were derived by smoothed least square means of days open classes. Additive adjustment factors were more appropriate than miltiplicative adjustment factors. Records adjusted for days open were not able to predict the following lactation yield significantly better than unadjusted records. Cumulative yield of current and following annualized lactations, including the contribution of the calf expressed in units of milk production, was greatest at 117 and 98 days open for primiparous and multiparous cows. For cows with high peak production maximum yield was with 12 to 14 fewer days open than for cows with moderate peak. Conception prior to 2 mo. postpartum had an adverse effect on cumulative yield.