Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Twin Sisters Following Ten Years of Hyperglobulinemic Purpura (Waldenström)

Uniovular twin sisters were diagnosed 10 yr ago as having hyperglobulinemic purpura at age 12. The diagnosis was documented by purpura of the lower extremities, increased .gamma.-globulin after serum electrophoresis, and increased 7S component upon ultracentrifugation. There was also an elevated ESR [erythrocyte sedimentation rate], a positive rheumatoid arthritis latex test, and their LE [Lupus erythmatosis] preparations was negative at that time. At a later date both developed polyarthritis. After 9 yr for 1 and 10 yr for the other, their LE preparations became strongly and constantly positive, while their .gamma.-globulin remained within abnormal limits.